Tuesday, 20 March 2012

Performics Weekly Digital Research Recap

United States

Channel Insights

-Pew Research Center Report: Search Engine Use 2012
  • 91% of online adults use search engines to find information on the web, up from 84% in June 2004
  • Search is most popular among young adult Internet users, those who have been to college, and those with the highest household incomes
  • Frequency of search engine use varies by age, education and income, with adults under age 50 and those with more education and higher household incomes using search more frequently than others
  • Google is far and away the most popular search engine.  Fully 83% of searchers use Google more often than any other search engine.  Yahoo! is a very distant second at just 6%.
  • Read the full report here
-comScore Releases January 2012 U.S. Search Engine Rankings
  • Google gained share vs. last month. However, the big news is that Bing is now firmly ahead of Yahoo in “explicit core search.” But using comScore’s expanded “total core search” definition, Yahoo! remains ahead of Bing.  Google Sites led the U.S. explicit core search market in January with 66.2 percent market share (up 0.3 percentage points), followed by Microsoft Sites with 15.2 percent (up 0.1 percentage points) and Yahoo! Sites with 14.1 percent.
  • Read the full comScore report here

-Marketers Targeting College Kids Should Stick with Search (eMarketer)
  • eMarketer estimates that nearly 83% of all U.S. Internet users will use a search engine at least once a month during 2012
  • 53% of college students surveyed ranked search engines as the most important source in helping them find a place to live
  • 85% of college attendees worldwide turned to Google to gather information for class assignments, up from 81% who did so in 2008
  • For search marketers, however, this means they can count on college students turning to Google and similar sites for the widest range of purposes, from lifestyle decisions to academic research
-A Store in Your Pocket: Retailer Mobile Websites Beat Apps among U.S. Smartphone Owners (Nielsen)
  • Smartphone owners of both genders prefer retailers’ mobile websites over mobile apps, with men slightly more likely to try retailers’ mobile apps than women. However, participants who use retailers’ mobile apps tend to spend more time on them.
  • All of the top 5 mobile retail websites experienced a “bump” during the days leading up to and following Black Friday, led by Amazon. This seasonal lift did not translate into an increase in regular usage, however. By January, active reach was back to October 2011 levels.
  • Retailers need to think of their business as a multi-channel environment that can potentially include mobile, online, and bricks and mortar stores.  Winning with shoppers requires a consistent experience across channels that reinforces the values you represent as a retail brand, whether it be price, service, reviews, selection, style, or other key attributes.
  • Read the full Nielson blog post here
-What Siri Means for the Future of Mobile Shopping (eMarketer)
  • Data from February 2012 from Catapult Marketing showed that more than 1/3 of shoppers have either already used or would be interested in using Siri to compare prices at the shelf, while nearly as many would want Siri to check inventory for them at another store.  Even more popular: sending Siri off in search of coupons and deals while the smartphone owner shopped
  • Grocery shopping will likely be most affected by Siri and her future competitors, with just under half of respondents saying they had used Siri for this purpose or would be interested in doing so.  They also planned to use Siri's price comparison, list-making and other capabilities to shop for electronics (39%), apparel and home appliances (33% each).
  • eMarketer estimates that 68.6 million Americans will use a smartphone to conduct mobile research and browsing activities this year
-Engauge's Power Panel Study: Pinterest Pinnings for Search Marketers (MediaPost)
  • About 229 people follow the average Pinterest user, who spends approximately 89 minutes on the site connecting board visitors to brand Web pages with a click of a button.  This person has 3 boards, 171 pins, and 28 likes. Worldwide, 83% are female.
  • Who's pinning? New Yorkers pin the most, with 22%, followed by Los Angeles at 15%, Austin at 10%, Minneapolis at 10%, San Francisco at 8%, Portland at 7%, and San Diego at 6%
  • They discuss Pinterest as a connective tissue, which emphasizes the importance of optimizing company Web sites, content and social sites like Facebook.  The connection drives people from Pinterest to the website or Facebook Fan Page for more information about a product or service.
  • Read the full article here


-OMD Latino Study: Hispanics are top online influencers
  • 90% of online Hispanics use social media at least once a month and 9% voice opinions about brands compared to 4% of general-market shoppers
  • Additionally, Hispanics are active users of mobile social media when they shop and are twice as likely as the general market to check such sources while they consider purchases
  • Hispanics are also more active in post-shopping, when they’re more likely to post a review or share their experience. They influence others’ purchase decisions and are equally influenced by others as they make their choices.
  • Read about the study here

Channel Insights
-Europe Tops US in Mobile Ad Response Rates (eMarketer)
  • According to Q3 2011 research from Nielsen, smartphone and tablet users in Germany, Italy and the UK responded more favorably to mobile ads than U.S. device owners did
  • Only 20% of U.S. smartphone owners went on to purchase via PC after seeing a mobile ad, compared to 34% of smartphone owners in Germany
  • Moreover, only 11% of U.S. smartphone owners researched a mobile advertiser after viewing a mobile ad, compared to 27% of smartphone owners in Italy
  • U.S. mobile marketers should take note of the distinctions between U.S. and Western European participant behavior when it comes to mobile advertisements.  Whereas U.S. tablet owners were slightly more responsive to ads than their smartphone-owning counterparts, mobile device owners in Germany, Italy and the UK tended to be more engaged by mobile ads across devices.
-Understanding the Changing Needs of Online Consumers In Latin America (Forrester)
  • 54% of online metropolitan Mexicans and 38% of online metropolitan Brazilians regularly connect with others via social networks like Facebook and orkut on the mobile phone.  In fact, this need to connect and engage with others anytime, anywhere is a daily activity for 41% of online metropolitan Mexicans and 11% of online metropolitan Brazilians.
  • Entertainment is a critical piece of the online experience.  Eighty-six percent of online metropolitan Brazilians and 83% of online metropolitan Mexicans watch video from other users on sites like YouTube, and more than two-thirds of online metropolitan Brazilians and Mexicans listen to or download music from other users
  • Market insights professionals should take advantage by examining how these early adopters interact with the online world and test which online and mobile strategies will resonate.  Leveraging these ironed-out strategies when online adoption reaches the masses will position their organization for success

 Thanks to Performics.

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